10 Things Houston First Time Home Buyers Should Know About Houston Hurricane Season

1.  Summer, alas, also heralds the start of the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season

2.  Hurricane season begin June 1 and end November 30

3.  Since Hurricane Harvey, we here in Houston has managed to sail through subsequent hurricane seasons relatively unscathed.

4.  For this hurricane season, make sure to have a plan ready for your family, your pets, your home, and your livelihood. Waiting until the last minute may greatly increase your stress levels.

5.  The 2024 season, as a whole, is expected to be near average, which means roughly 12 to 15 storms and seven to nine hurricanes, with two to four of those having the possibility of becoming major hurricanes.

6. If you already own your home, make sure you have flood insurance in place.

7.  The amount of supplies you keep on hand, should be enough for three to five days. As a family, we make sure to have enough to last for at least one week.

8. Make sure you also have water. Lots of water. You also want to make sure in addition to your non perishable comfort food, you should also have non perishable foods like cans vegetables, fruits, and soups. The foods you have on hand should not require any heat, just in case of electrical outage. Candles, match as well as a portable, battery-powered radio should have you covered in that area.

9.  Evacuation is always a possibility. Know how you’re going to get out, if you need to and what route you’re going to take. Just in case. Its always better to have a plan and not have to use it, than to need it and not have one.

10. Do you keep your important documents at home? Make sure to have copies (digital or hard copies) of important documents in a safe location like a safety deposit box.

We love to share important information with you. We at First Home Houston is always looking out for your best real estate interest. As always, we thank you for stopping by. Until next time… Diana.

Image source: National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration - https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/satellite.php

Source: meteorology -Space City Weather - https://spacecityweather.com/



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