8 Questions First Time Home Buyer Should Ask About HOA

Image by Diana W for FHH.com

Hello and welcome! You know that we love having you. As a first time home buyer, we know you may have a lot going on right now. As you make your way through the home buying process with the help of an agent that is looking out for your best interest, make sure you are not just signing papers as they are presented to you. Ask questions. A lot of questions. If your new home will have a community homeowner association (HOA) here are a few question you may want to ask.

  • What is the cost?

  • When is the payment due?

  • What are the rules?

  • Which amenities are included?

  • How do I contact the HOA?

  • What happen if the payment is not made on time?

  • Can they foreclose on the house?

  • How are disputes resolved?

While the purpose of the homeowners association is to help protect property value and maintain a pleasant living environment, rules are imposed on residents to accomplish those goals. Knowing the who, what, why, where, and when of your HOA will help you navigate any issues that may pop up.

As for the cost, knowing and keeping it in mind along with the due date, will help you have the funds ready when the bill comes due, monthly, quarterly or annually. As a first time home buyer, we want you to make the very best decision.

We at First Home Houston is always looking out for your best interest. As always, we thank you for stopping by. Until next time… Diana.


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