10 Things First Time Home Buyers Should Know About The Effects Of Lead Based Paint

 Although lead is a naturally occurring element found in small amounts in the earth’s crust and have some beneficial uses, lead can be extremely toxic to humans and animals.

The federal government banned consumer uses of lead-base paint in 1978. If you plan on purchasing a home that was build before 1978, here are few things you should know about the effects of lead based paint.

We know that in addition to your health, protecting your family’s health is most important. For more information, please contact the national lead information center by calling 1088-424-5323 or visit www.epa.gov/lead and www.hud.gov/ offices/lead/. You may also visit Consumer Product Safety Commission at www.cpsc.gov

We hope you enjoyed your visit with us today. As always, thank you so much for stopping by. Until next time…Diana.

Source: United States Environmental Protection Agency

Image: Lead Base Paint Image Designed by Diana - Supporting Image: EPA


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