6 Ways Houston First Time Home Buyer Can Lower Their Indoor Humidity Levels

Increased humidity levels is caused by a variety of in home activities such as boiling water, drying clothes and hot showers. However, if your indoor humidity is consistently high without any of the above activities, you may want to have your home’s insulation and ventilation inspected.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the ideal range of humidity levels is between 30% to 50% this would most likely mean that anything over 50% heading into 60% is considered high. Below are a few indicators of high humidity and a few ways to reduce humidity inside the home.

Condensation on the windows, mildew-like smell, Intense allergies, excessive pests like dust mites or silverfish, and food left out that goes bad quickly, are all indicators of high humidity levels inside your home.

To reduce your indoor humidity levels, here are a few thing you can do:

  • Take cooler showers.

  • Use a dehumidifier.

  • Use a fan.

  • Open the window when possible.

  • Keep air conditioner filters clean.

  • Use houseplants such as lady ferns, Algerian ivies, rubber plant, English ivy and Boston ferns just to name a few.

Keep in mind the cost to regulate the humidity level in your home may depend on your situation. For some, opening the window will cost nothing. For others, they may need to purchase a humidifier or dehumidifier.

We hope you enjoyed your visit with us today. As always, thank you so much for stopping by.

Source: EPA

Image: Designed by Diana


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